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Tarot Reading
People come for tarot readings when their circumstances change and their normal rules fail them and also to affirm what they think to be true.
Tarot is a creative tool that helps you to see your true self more clearly. The reading helps you to live in harmony and to the fullest with whatever comes and to accept everything as your purpose, fate and destiny.
It’s your work, your choices, your visions that make you who you are. Acceptance relieves stress so that you can make positive adjustments in your life.
Tarot reveals the big picture and empowers you to reap something good from all experiences, even negative ones.
The tarot aids in coming in contact with ones higher self and you don’t have to be someone who believes in tarot to benefit from a reading.
Tarot is a tool for unblocking the subconscious mind and bringing thoughts and feelings into conscious awareness by identifying with the symbols in the tarot cards.
The tarot can be used to map our trends in the future, it cannot give definitive answers but it can tell you what is likely to happen if you follow your current course of action.
It can help you to know yourself better and to understand why things happen to us and it helps us to see the deeper purpose in our lives and to understand human nature.
About Me
I have always been curious and read everything about esoteric subjects.
We are not our past we are our future, we are more powerful than we think we are.
My psychic and spiritual path has transformed my life and I do a great deal of healing in a spiritual church which is an on going journey towards enlightenment and love.
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